Imagine - John Lennon

viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010
Imaxina que non hai ceo,
É fácil se o intentas,
Non hai inferno detras de nós,
Eriba solo ceo
Imaxina a toda a xente,
Vivindo para hoxe,
Imaxina que non hai países,
Non é tan difícil de facer,
Nada que matar nin morrer por,
Nin tampouco relixión,
Imaxina a toda xente,
Vivindo a vida en paz.

Debes de decir que son un soñador,
Pero non son o único,
Espero que algún día uniraste a nós,
E o mundo vivirá coma un.

Imaxina que non hai posesións,
Pregúntome se podes,
Sin necesidade de gula ou fame,
Unha irmandade de homes,
Imaxina todo a xente,
Compartindo todo o mundo...

Dirás que son un soñador,
Pero non son o único,
Espero que un día te unas a nós,
E o mundo vivirá coma un.

A Guerra do Vietnam

jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010

A guerra do Vietnam, chamada tamén Segunda Guerra de Indochina eGuerra de Estados Unidos, foi un conflito bélico que enfrontou entre 1958 e 1975 aos Estados de Vietnam do Sur e Vietnam do Norte, apoiados polos seus respectivos aliados e especialmente, os Estados Unidos que axudaron directamente aos survietnamitas até a súa retirada en 1973, no contexto xeral da Guerra Fría.
As faccións en conflito foron, por unha banda, a República Democrática de Vietnamco apoio de movementos guerrilleiros survietnamitas como o Viet Cong ou Fronte de Liberación Nacional (NLF, polas súas siglas en inglés) e de subministros soviéticose chineses. Polo outro lado, a República de Vietnam co apoio militar e loxístico dosEstados Unidos. En axuda dos estadounidenses tamén participaron, con tropas de combate, Australia, Corea do Sur, Filipinas, Nova Celandia e Tailandia, mentres queAlemaña, Irán, Marrocos, Reino Unido e Suíza contribuíron con subministros materiais e equipamento médico. Outros continxentes testemuñais en apoio dos EE.UU. foron enviados por Taiwan e tamén España, que mobilizou un reducido grupo de médicos militares en misión sanitaria.

4- Watch this video of modern times film, what do you think that Charles Chaplin wants to say?

domingo, 17 de octubre de 2010
Charlie Chaplin, critics in this video , the hard work that the employees had in the industries where they worked and finally made them mad.

3- Visit this web-site and find out more about children life in Victorian times, during the industrial revolution:

Many Victorian children were poor and worked to help their families. Few people thought this strange or cruel. Families got no money unless they worked, and most people thought work was good for children. The Industrial Revolution created new jobs, in factories and mines. Many of these jobs were at first done by children, because children were cheap - a child was paid less than adults.
Children worked on farms, in homes as servants, and in factories. Children often did jobs that required small size and nimble fingers. But they also pushed heavy coal trucks along tunnels in coal mines. Boys went to sea, as boy-sailors, and girls went 'into service' as housemaids. Children worked on city streets, selling things such as flowers, matches and ribbons. Crossing boys swept the roads clean of horse-dung and rubbish left by the horses that pulled carts and carriages.

1- Complete this table comparing the first and the second industrial revolution:


Thomas Alva Edison

miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010

Thomas Alva Edison (February 11, 1847 – October 18, 1931) was an American inventor, scientist and bussnesman who developed many devices that greatly influenced life around the world, including the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and a long-lasting, practical electric light blub.

Edison is considered one of the most prolific inventors in history, holding 1,093 U.S patents in his name, as well as many patents in the United Kindom, France, and Germany. He is credited with numerous inventions that contributed to mass comunications and, in particular,telecomunications.



miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010
B-Mark which ideas you think contribute to sustainable tourism.

-Restrictive entry or pircing in special or natural places.
-Promote equity in the distribution of the cost and benefit of tourism.
-Involve local poeple in developement prosesses.